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Showing posts from November, 2022

My Dear Book -Understanding Adolescence by Neerja Sharma

  Megha Gupta One day, my younger brother who is in 9th standard brought me a book from his school library. It was "Understanding Adolescence" by "Neerja Sharma". I haven't read this writer earlier but after looking at the title, I was getting a strong feeling that it would be very much relatable for me and it was proved true. This book is for an 11 to 18 age group of people which is written in a very simple manner. It not only focuses on how the children of this age are stressed about their physical appearances but also on their emotional changes.These days when I am feeling a quick shift in my emotions. It is proving quite helpful to me. Earlier which used to be my passion is now becoming my disinteresting thing. It is clearly stated in this book that dramatic hormonal changes are responsible for these kinds of emotions. I just love chapter  4 which is "Development of morality , values, religious and political thought as well as chapter 5 which is "T...


  THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG Life-changing book if you put your learnings into practice. Undoubtedly, one of the best self-help books I have ever read. If you are stepping into the world of personal development, I recommend this classic along with Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Dr. David J. Schwartz's The Magic of Thinking Big is over 60 years old but still, every word can be applied in the modern world as well.  A book that encourages you to self-reflect and each chapter encompasses different tools, techniques, and behaviors to master your mind and behaviors.  Not a one-time book for sure.


  Pawan - XII C SAFAL BUSINESS KE FUNDE अपने उत्पाद, अपने ग्राहक और अपने कर्मचारियों के प्रति एक विशेष अपनेपन का भाव सफलता पाने का बेसिक फंडा है। इन सबके बीच एक जोरदार सामंजस्य आपके व्यवसाय की सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त करता है। आपकी सफलता आपके व्यक्तिगत गुणों के साथ-साथ आपकी टीम की क्षमताओं पर निर्भर करती है। इसलिए अपनी टीम के हर सदस्य को शत-प्रतिशत देने के लिए प्रेरित करना, अपने उत्पाद में निरंतर बेहतरी करना और अपने ग्राहकों को आकर्षक प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक दरों पर उत्पाद उपलब्ध कराना तथा उत्तम सर्विस देना—यह सब एक सफल बिजनेसमैन के लिए बीजमंत्र हैं। परिश्रम, दूरदर्शिता, मृदुभाषिता, उदारता, विषम परिस्थितियों में संतुलन, बाजार की समझ आदि ऐसे फंडे हैं, जिनसे आपकी सफलता के द्वार खुलेंगे।

My Dear Book- Dastane Sindhbad Jahaaji

  यह पुस्तक मुझे मेरे विद्यालय के पुस्तकालय से मिली है। यह किताब बहुत ही रोचक है तथा रोमांचक भी ।  मैं हर रात इसके 4-5 पन्ने पढ़ता था। इस किताब में मैंने सिंदबाद नाम के एक नाविक के बारे में पढ़ा। वह विभिन्न द्वीपों की यात्रा करता था, वहां से कुछ चीजें इकट्ठा करता था और लाभ कमाने के लिए उन्हें किसी अन्य द्वीप पर बेच देता था। इस कहानी में कुछ काल्पनिक चीजें हैं जैसे राक्षस, दूसरे आयाम की यात्रा आदि। लेकिन फिर भी यह इस बात की उचित व्याख्या देती है कि यदि मनुष्य ने इन सभी चीजों का अनुभव किया होता तो उसे कैसा महसूस होता। मेरा अनुरोध है कि जो कोई भी इस पुस्तक को पढ़ता है, कृपया इसे 4-5 पृष्ठों में पढ़ना न छोड़ें। क्योंकि शुरू में यह उबाऊ हो सकता है। लेकिन ऐसा करने के बाद, आप सभी दिलचस्प और रहस्यमई भागों को छोड़ देंगे । I got this book from my school library. This book is very interesting. It is full of adventures. I read 4-5 pages of it every night. In this book, I read about a sailor named Sindbad. He used to travel to different islands, gather some things from there, and sold them...

Glimpses of DEAR BOOK- Reading Hour Event


My Dear Book- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

  Jiya Chawla- VIII B So one day I just randomly saw this book in our library: HarryPotter and the cursed child. I'm a great fan of harry potter and if I name the fan page it's called potter head so yes I'm an excellent potter head. I have read all the books in this series and I'm having a great obsession with this. This book not only this whole harry potter series is written by J.K Rowling and she is a fabulous writer. Through this kind of book, she encourages children they can believe a little bit in magic sometimes it works. And about this book, it is very wonderful I mean its story is fabulous like all the books of the harry potter series. This book continues the story of harry potter's and lily potter's son Albus severse potter. His son has to face problems in this part of the story Voldemort returns again but u know light always wins against the darkness and the same thing happened here Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Darco, Scorpios fight with Voldemort...