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My Dear Book -Understanding Adolescence by Neerja Sharma


Megha Gupta

One day, my younger brother who is in 9th standard brought me a book from his school library. It was "Understanding Adolescence" by "Neerja Sharma". I haven't read this writer earlier but after looking at the title, I was getting a strong feeling that it would be very much relatable for me and it was proved true. This book is for an 11 to 18 age group of people which is written in a very simple manner. It not only focuses on how the children of this age are stressed about their physical appearances but also on their emotional changes.These days when I am feeling a quick shift in my emotions. It is proving quite helpful to me. Earlier which used to be my passion is now becoming my disinteresting thing. It is clearly stated in this book that dramatic hormonal changes are responsible for these kinds of emotions. I just love chapter  4 which is "Development of morality , values, religious and political thought as well as chapter 5 which is "The search for identity". Chapter 5 starts with the question "Who am I ?" In it, it is mentioned that most of the children of my age are sometimes told by their parents,"You are not a child anymore, do this work yourself." At other times the same parents will say, "No, you cannot go there alone, you are still too young." This experience which I've really faced and which actually leaves me confused. This book is the answer to such types of questions. I'm still reading this book as I've not completed it yet. But I'll say just a single line for this book.

 "It is very much helpful for adolescents" 

All must read it to find answers to their questions which are rising in their mind. It also mentions how parents, teachers as well as elders should deal with their child at this crucial age.


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